Basilian Sisters Celebrate Summer Jubilees
“You’ve seen so much of the Church over the years and Christ has been a constant in your lives all that time.” So spoke Rev. Msgr. Peter Waslo, Basilian Motherhouse Chaplain, at the Divine Liturgy celebrated in honor of the jubilees of eight Basilian Sisters, Saturday, June 26. 2015.

75 year Jubilarian – Sister Bernarda Arkatin, OSBM

70 year Jubilarian – Sister Judith Thaddeus Piszyk, OSBM

60 yr. Jubilarians – Sr. Clement Batholomew, OSBM, Sr. Carla Hernandez, OSBM, Sr. Dolores Orzel, OSBM

55 yr. Jubilarians – Sister Mary Cecilia Jurasisnski, OSBM, Sister Rita Stremba, OSBM, Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM

Jubilarians renew their vows

Sr. Theodora Kopyn, OSBM, Sister Romana Hutnyk, OSBM seated Sr. Bernarda Arkatin, OSBM
Marking significant milestones as members of the Order of the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great were Sisters Mary Bernarda Arkatin, OSBM, 75 years; Sister Judith Thaddeus Piszyk, OSBM, 70 years; Sister Carla Hernandez, OSBM, Sister Dolores Orzel, OSBM, and Sister Clement Bartholomew, OSBM, 60 years; Sister Mary Cecilia Jurasinski, OSBM, Sister Rita Stremba, OSBM, Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM, 55 years.
During his homily, Msgr, Waslo recalled the beginning of Christ’s public life where He sought disciples to “Come, follow Me.” “Those called dropped everything and so did you, Sisters, to follow in the love of the Lord. Thank you for answering that call.”
Prior to receiving the Holy Eucharist, each jubilarian, hand upon the Bible, emphasized her unwavering dedication to live the monastic life as a Basilian by once again pronouncing her vow to live her religious life as a member of the Order of the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great until death.
At the celebratory dinner that followed, the jubilarians were greeted and congratulated by the members of their community, with Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM, newly re-elected Provincial Superior and members of the former and present Governing Councils commending each individual jubilarian for her many years of faithful service to God, the Order and the Faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. “Thank you for your presence, your labors, time and talent, your love and compassion for others during all those years. For all the souls you have touched, we wish you “Mnohaya Lita!”