News & Events


Community Days – June 13, 14, 15, 2024

July 1, 2024
Posted in: Events, News

Community Days were officially opened by Sister Joann Sosler, OSBM, Provincial Superior of Jesus, Lover of Humanity Province on June 13, 2024. After prayer, led by Sister Carol Marozzi, facilitator, Sister Joann presented her report on the 2023-2024 Goals and Priorities of the Provincial and her Council.  A reflective discussion followed allowing the sisters to ask questions and offer comments.  This first day had emphasis on Leadership during which each councilor shared a report on their area of responsibility.

Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM reported on Governance, Eldercare, Laudate Si and Development.  Sister Clement Bartholomew, OSBM reported on Finances and Archives and Sister Teodora on the Basilian Support Ministry.  A complete finance report including Trends was given by Jeffrey Pearce.

On the second day, after prayer by Sister Carol, sisters were asked to engage in goal setting beginning with the question “What are my personal desires – my personal concerns?  After personal reflection and table sharing each group was asked to reflect on what is best for the “Common Good”.  After sharing a video on Commissary, Carol then assisted the group in surfacing ideas and/or governance input for the General Chapter as the group looked toward the future full of hope – new ideas.

The day ended with Vespers and a festive dinner.