News & Events


Cub Scouts

February 23, 2023
Posted in: Events, News

As a parent of two young children in Cub Scouts and an employee of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great, I had a wonderful opportunity this January to bring them both together.  One of the achievements necessary as part of progressing as a Cub Scout is “Duty to God.”  Through various means, the scouts are supposed to explore what duty to God means to them and their families. This also helps them understand part of the Scout Law, which is “A scout is reverent.”

I met with a dozen scouts and their families. I spoke about the who the Sisters of Saint Basil are, the international order, and this province.  I explained that we are visiting their home and spoke to them about the sisters devoting their lives to service.  We then took a tour of both the chapel and the grotto as we discussed prayer, quiet reflection, and fielded many questions from the scouts (and parents).

We then were able to discuss the environment, as I showed the group where the Tookany Tacony Watershed flows through the Sisters’ property and explained some of the work that they have done through the Growing Greener Program to help maintain and preserve this important part of our ecosystem.

Finally, I took them to the rear of the property, and we discussed nature.  We were able to observe a beaver lodge, beaver dam, and see the work these animals have done to carve out their own place in our ecosystem.  While we did not get to see the creatures themselves, it was still a wonder to behold.

I was happy to introduce one part of our community to another, and hope that the scouts continue to learn and grow as responsible citizens of this community, this ecosystem, and this world.