You Are Gods by
Msgr. George Appleyard
“Msgr. George Appleyard of the Ukrainian
Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, gifts
us with a popular and theologically sound
introduction to this partaking in the
divine nature in his You Are Gods.
Drawing upon the biblical narrative and
witness, the Fathers of the Church,
contemporary psychology and
even secular spiritual writers,
Father George invites us to know and experience more life and growth in God —the very meaning of human existence.”
(Robert P. Marko, Ph.D.,Chair and Professor of Theology,
Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan)ON SALE UNTIL MAY 2, 2021: $10 + shipping
Ukrainians of the Delaware Valley by
Alexander Lushnycky, Ph.D
At the dawn of the 20th century, the
industrializing world provided
Ukrainians an opportunity to immigrate
to America to lead free and honorable
lives. Ukrainians of the Delaware Valley
illustrates the Ukrainiansê ongoing
saga, commencing with the late 19th
century when they disembarked to the
Delaware Valley and continuing to the
present, as they gradually integrated
into their American communities. The
Ukrainiansê common purpose was to
preserve their unique eastern culture,
cherished daily customs, and elaborate
traditions embalmed in the mysteries of
their eastern religion in the new
surroundings. Ukrainians of the Delaware
Valley documents how each new generation
of immigrants added to the kaleidoscope
of Ukrainian communities in 17 of the
boroughs of the Delaware Valley.Alexander Lushnycky, Ph.D., a well-known
educator and researcher, is one of the
leading authorities on the history of
Ukrainian immigration in the United
States. Born in Lviv, Ukraine, he was
raised in the United States. His
numerous bilingual publications include
Ukrainians of Pennsylvania and
Ukrainians of Greater Philadelphia. He
currently serves as the regional
director for the Encyclopedia of
Ukrainian Diaspora in the United States
and is executive vice president of the
Ukrainian Educational Council of the
United States.An autographed copy costs $25 plus S & H
Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches,
Latin-English Edition
New English language translation of the
Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium,
promulgated in 1990 by Pope John Paul
II, improving upon the first tranlation
of 1992. This translation was prepared
under the auspices of the Canon Law
Society of America and approved by the
Eastern Catholic eparchs in the United
States; it presents the Latin and
English texts of the canons in parallel
columns. Also included is an English
translation of the apostolic
constitution Sacri canones, the Preface
of the official Latin edition, a
glossary of significant Latin terms, the
fontes (sources) of the individual
canons, an English translation of the
index prepared by Ivan Zuzek, SJ, as
well as the Latin and English texts of
the new laws for the Causes of Saints,
Divinus perfectionis Magister and Pope
John Paul II’s apostolic constitution
Pastor bonus on the Roman curia issued
in 1988. (2001) xlii + 860 pp.,
hardbound. ISBN 0-943616-88-3
Cost $40.
The Divine Liturgy of St. John
Chrysostom Published by the Eparchy of Saint
Josaphat in Parma in 1999. This
light-weight 114 page soft cover book
has the resurrectional tones, weekday
propers, Panikhida and hymns. Available
for $10 plus shipping and handling
through the Pastoral Ministry Office.
Christ Our Pascha
The Catechism for the Ukrainian Catholic Church is called “Christ Our Pascha” because the central idea is that the source of our Christian life of faith is the Risen Christ. In the liturgical language of our Church we participate in the Passover of Christ hence in the new life in Christ. This new life grows to maturity in spiritual development and moral effort. Therefore, there are two fundamental resources for understanding this catechism. They are the Nicene Creed and the liturgical anaphora of St Basil the Great. Hard cover version in Ukrainian is $30.
Soft cover will be available soon for $25
(English version not available as yet) |
Light for Life
A Byzantine Catholic Catechism in three
volumes. Light Of Life is available for
$45 plus shipping and handling through
the Pastoral Ministry Office.
Life In Christ
A moral Catechism. Life In Christ is
available for $15 plus shipping and
handling through the Pastoral Ministry
The Light of the East: A Guide to
Eastern Catholicism for Western
Catholics (2nd Edition)
By Msgr. George Appleyard. Co-published
by the Pastoral Ministry Office and
NCCL. This second edition of Light of
the East: A Guide to Eastern Catholicism
for Western Catholics, incorporates the
various developments in the
Catholic/Orthodox dialogue that have
occurred since the first publication in
2000 as well as some corrections we
missed in the first edition.ON SALE UNTIL MAY 2, 2021: $10 + shipping
The Sacrifice of Praise
The official Liturgical prayer book of
the Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in
English. Complete with festal troparia,
kontaki and music. The Sacrifice
of Praise is available for $60 plus
shipping and handling through the
Pastoral Ministry Office.
Archbishop Metropolitan Andrew
Sheptytsky, 1865 – 1944
Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky: His Life
and Accomplishments – a small 77 page
book written by Rev Dr Vasyl Laba and
translated into English by Oksana
Koropeckyj gives a wonderful insight
into Metropolitan Andrei ‘s life.
Cost $5
Catechetical Directory of the Ukrainian
Catholic Church
Available in English or Ukrainian, this
is the official catechetical document
approved by the Synod. The directory is
available for $5 plus shipping and
handling through the Pastoral Ministry
Beneath the Mantle of Your Mercy
– a devotional prayerbook compiled by Rev. Peter Babej, has morning prayers, hours, evening prayers, akathists, guides to Repentance, Holy Eucharist, scriptural reading, etc This 634 page book is a great companion for anyone. Cost $25 plus Shipping & Handling
The Mysteries of Christian Initiation:
Baptism, Chrismation and Eucharist
This bilingual (English and Ukrainian)
ritual book of the Mysteries of
Christian Initiation published by the
Liturgical Commission of Saint Josaphat
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy in Parma,
Ohio is available for $25. Besides the
actual ritual it also contains various
prayers for the mother and child, the
festal propers, selected chants and a
short glossary.
The Sacraments of Christian Initiation
Another companion book to New Life In
The Trinity, The Sacraments of
Christian Initiation by Archbishop Tawil
is also available to help families or
study groups facilitate discussion.Available for $5 plus
shipping and handling through the
Pastoral Ministry Office.
Welcome to Our Church
Visitors and parishioners alike will have many of their questions answered in this series of five illustrated, full color leaflets. “What is an Eastern Church? And “What Eastern Christians Believe” outline the background and theological emphasis of the Eastern Churches. “Welcome to This Holy House, ” “Byzantine Liturgical Vestments” and “The Divine Liturgy” introduce the reader to the church building and basic liturgical practice. Excellent for group discussions and individual study.Available
through the Pastoral Ministry Office for
$4 plus shipping and handling.
Our Faith
Father Matusiak outlines the faith and
practice of the Byzantine Churches. It
highlights both the sources (Tradition,
Scripture, Fathers, etc) and content
(Trinity, Christ, Holy Spirit, Church,
etc) of the Apostolic Faith. Available
through the Pastoral Ministry Office for
$3 plus shipping and handling.
Our Path
Our Path is part three in the series “A
Popular Presentation of Byzantine
Christianity”. It presents the basics of
Christian living in our tradition, the
path to deification, as illustrated in
aspects of the mysteries of Christian
Initiation. Suggestions for personal
prayer, fasting and almsgiving and
hospitality in our life of repentance
provide much food for thought and
discussion. Cost $3 each
Our Worship
This booklet outlines the major forms of
the Divine Services in the Byzantine
tradition (the Divine Liturgy, the
Divine Offices, the Holy Mysteries, etc)
as well as the feasts and Fasts of the
Church Year. Available through the
Pastoral Ministry Office for $3 plus
shipping and handling.
Inexhaustible Delights
The work of Christin His Body, the
Church, as experienced through the Holy
Mysteries, Christ the Victor over death,
the living Bread, the Physician of souls
and bodies is seen transforming those
who participate in faith in these rites.
Inexhaustible Delights is available for
$10 plus shipping and handling through
the Pastoral Ministry Office.
Life and Worship: The Mystery of Christ Among Us
Explores liturgical worship, with insights into the Divine Liturgy, the daily cycle of praise, the feasts and fasts of the year, architecture and iconography, and the role of the various ministers in Eastern worship.
81 pages, paper Available for $10 plus shipping
and handling through the Pastoral
Ministry Office.
To the Ends of The Earth
This brief survey of Eastern Church
history touches upon the following
historical eras: the Apostolic Period,
the Ecumenical Councils, the development
of the Byzantine Tradition, division and
reunification of the Churches, Eastern
Catholics in the West and in the modern
period. Available for $10 plus shipping
and handling through the Pastoral
Ministry Office.

Jesus Beads
Made by Sister Barbara. Jesus Beads are
prayer beads of the Eastern Church. The
prayer is sometimes called “the prayer
of the heart” or “unceasing prayer.”
Available for $5 plus shipping and
handling through the Pastoral Ministry
The Nativity Of Our Lord, 1000 Piece Puzzle
This puzzle creates a 19.25” X 26.62” finished icon!
Spiritual Gift for Christmas for families, pastors, catechists;
Group activity— Christmas Eve Holy Supper, Personal care facilities, Nursing homes, Monasteries, Religious Education Programs, Retreats & Days of Prayers, even parish coffee hoursAvailable for $25 plus shipping and
handling through the Pastoral Ministry
Egg-in-Wrap – Series 1 – Ukrainian Design – Package of 12
Create instant Ukrainian designed Pysanky with these sleeves whose beautiful and colorful patterns convert your eggs into marvelous Easter Eggs without fuss or muss. Each package contains 2 sets of color sleeves of 6 different designs.
Egg-in-Wrap Series 3 – Slavic Pin Art Design – Package of 12
Slavic Pin Art designs are created with these six colorful patterns. These one color concepts which originated in the Carpathian Mountains and Western Slovakia by peasant artisians are reproduced in seconds onto your egg. Each package contains 2 sets of color sleeves of 6 different designs
Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts
An excellent prayer book (in English and
Ukrainian) for the faithful compiled by
Rt. Rev. Wolodymyr Woloszczuk with the
approval of the Most Rev. Robert Moskal.
Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts is available
for $20 plus shipping and handling
through the Pastoral Ministry Office.
The Divine Liturgy: An Anthology For
Worship The Divine Liturgy: An Anthology For
Worship is available for $60.00 plus
shipping and handling through the
Pastoral Ministry Office.
A Paschal Pilgrimage: A Guide For the
Great Fast for Ukrainian Catholics
By Bishop Basil H. Losten, D.D. A
Paschal Pilgrimage is available for $5
plus shipping and handling through the
Pastoral Ministry Office.
Shipping & Handling is 15% of the order total
Minimum shipping Domestic USA $4.00
Minimum shipping International $17.00
Contact Sister Ann at 412-260-1607 for more information on the materials above,
available for purchase through the Pastoral Ministry Office..