Icon Writing Workshop
Consider the possibility of writing/praying an icon into being
Icons are about prayer from start to finish – and beyond. During the workshop students will pray an icon similar to the one on the right into existence through a very disciplined process which is ancient and yet accessible. No prior experience is required and one need not have any drawing ability to write an icon. Peter Pearson has taught hundreds, perhaps thousands of folks over the past 25 years and is skilled in calling forth the best in his students. One needs only to be open, willing, and teachable. The students will work in acrylic paint and all supplies for the icon workshop will be provided and included in the workshop fee.
Peter Pearson
Peter Pearson encountered his first icon at the age of 12. The experience set him on a path of study over 48 years with iconographers in the United States, Canada and Russia. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA and a Doctorate in Theology from the Providence School of Theology. He is the author of “A Brush with God: an Icon Workbook,” “Another Brush with God” and “The Icon Pattern Book.” After twenty years as a parish priest, he now lives in Holy Cross Monastery, a Benedictine monastery in the Hudson Valley in New York. His knowledge, skill, and experience make him an engaging and gentle teacher.
Registration deadline: September 1, 2018. Limited housing on the Center campus is available for an additional fee. Lunch will be provided for students Friday and Saturday. For registration details or for answers to questions please call Kim Malpezzi at 215-780-1227 or email the Center at [email protected]. Class requires at least 12 participants
Registration has closed.