Mysteries (Sacraments) from an Eastern Perspective
Two-Saturday Event
Format: Bring Your Own Lunch
The third course (12 hours, 2 Saturdays) of “The Mysteries” covers: The Mysteries and the Great Mysteries; Christ the Victor over Death; Christ, the Bread of Life; Christ, Healer of Souls and Bodies; Christ Builds Up the Kingdom; Christ Calls Us to Die in the World.
Participants are asked to bring their catechisms Christ Our Pascha and Inexhaustible Delights: The Holy Mysteries in the Byzantine Churches. In addition some books will be available for purchase.
Sister Ann Laszok, OSBM
Sister Ann Laszok is a Sister of the Order of St. Basil the Great and a member of the community’s General Council. Currently Sister Ann serves as the Director of Religious Education for the Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, OH, a position which she has held since 1988. She holds a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies and Pastoral Counseling from Fordham University.
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