Retreat for Caregivers
This retreat deals with the complexities of caregiving and the challenges involved while using scriptural models to gain strength.
Everyone will be a caregiver, need a caregiver, or know a caregiver at some point in life. Yet it is a position we seldom prepare for financially, emotionally, or spiritually. This retreat deals with the complexities of caregiving and the challenges involved.
Questions to be addressed include:
- Where can we find God during illness?
- How can we grow with God amidst suffering?
- How can we prepare spiritually to give care?
This retreat will help you approach caregiving with new awareness and sensitivity, direct you towards new resources, and equip you with coping techniques.
Using scriptural models we will explore the deeper spiritual aspects of caregiving, thus gaining valuable insight to strengthen us.
Sister Joann Sosler, OSBM, currently serves as the Vice-Provincial of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great. She holds a certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) and has served in chaplaincy at Jeanes, Thomas Jefferson, and Abington Hospitals. Sister Joann has served her congregation faithfully in numerous positions in education and administration as well as vocation director and co-director of the Basilian Volunteer Program that gives service annually in Ukraine.
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