St. Basil and the New Catechism “Christ Our Pascha”
Christ calls us to follow Him to obtain eternal life. St. Basil the Great teaches that in order to follow Christ, every Christian must acquire a new way of thinking and living. This session on theology and catechetical teaching in St. Basil’s Anaphora explores: (1) the cornerstones of the dogmatic and ascetic teachings of St. Basil the Great; (2) how the Christian Church constantly relives the life of Jesus Christ during the Divine Liturgy; (3) what the experience is of participation in the life of Christ and how it illuminates Church’s dogmatic and social teaching as is reflected in her Catechisms. The new Catechism of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Christ Our Pascha is to help practicing Christians become stronger practicing Christians. It is an exhortation to those who have become inactive Christians to return “as a new person in Christ,” to the Church of Christ, “which through its unity, holiness, universality, and apostolic service is present and active in the modern world, enlightening with the light of Christ every person who comes into the world.” (Christ Our Pascha #708)
Sister Ann Laszok, OSBM
Sister Ann Laszok is a Sister of the Order of Saint Basil the Great and a member of the community’s General Council. Currently Sister Ann serves as the Director of Religious Education for the Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, OH, a position which she has held since 1988. She holds a Masters Degree in Religious Studies and Pastoral Counseling from Fordham University.
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