A Catechetical Conference was held on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Social Hall in Philadelphia, PA. Bishop…
SJS October 2018 program
On Saturday, October 27, 2018, a Divine Liturgy was offered by Msgr. Waslo for the intention of our pilgrimage volunteers. A reception followed afterwards in…
On September 21, 2018, Sr. Teodora Kopyn, OSBM was accepted into the Jesus Lover of Humanity Province at Vespers. It was an auspicious beginning as the date…
On September 30, 2018 the 87th Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God was hosted by the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the…
Since 1911 the Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great have served the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. Collectively and individually,…
Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great Development Office Dear Friend, This May 26, 2018, Sr. Joann, some 14 volunteers and I will be…
June 25-29, 2018 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM) Basilian Spirituality Center 710 Fox Chase Road, Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 The camp seeks to pass…
Sharing Our Strategic Planning Process Please click on the letter published at the end of this paragraph. In it the Sisters of the Order of…
Патріарша Катехитична Комісія Української Католицької Церкви зустрілася в Стемфорді, Конн., з Єпископами США та відповідальними за Катехизацію в Єпархіях Всечеснішого Протопресвітера Івана Філдса Стемфорд,…