News & Events


Ukrainian Summer Camp

Ukrainian Summer Camp

July 13, 2018
Posted in: Events

Vacation with God: The Ten Commandments”: Summer Camp for Children in Philadelphia During June 25-29, 2018 a Summer Camp for Children “Vacation with God: The…

Eighty-Seventh Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God

Eighty-Seventh Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God

July 13, 2018
Posted in: Events, News, Pilgrimage

Since 1911 the Sisters of the Order of Saint Basil the Great have served the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. Collectively and individually,…

Ukrainian Dialogue: Moving Beyond the Failed Minsk Process & Ending Russia's War in Ukraine

Ukrainian Dialogue: Moving Beyond the Failed Minsk Process & Ending Russia’s War in Ukraine

April 19, 2018
Posted in: Events

Save the date: May 24 at Manor College 700 Fox Chase Road   Jenkintown, PA 19046 Ukrainian Dialogue with Kyle Parker Before entering government, Parker spent…

Summer Camp - Vacation with God: the Ten Commandments

Summer Camp – Vacation with God: the Ten Commandments

January 16, 2018
Posted in: Events, News

June 25-29, 2018 (8:30 AM – 3:30 PM) Basilian Spirituality Center 710 Fox Chase Road, Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046 The camp seeks to pass…

Патріарша Катехитична Комісія Української Католицької Церкви зустрілася в Стемфорді, Конн.

Патріарша Катехитична Комісія Української Католицької Церкви зустрілася в Стемфорді, Конн.

November 6, 2017
Posted in: Events, News

Патріарша Катехитична Комісія Української Католицької Церкви зустрілася в Стемфорді, Конн.,  з Єпископами США та відповідальними за Катехизацію в Єпархіях Всечеснішого Протопресвітера Івана Філдса   Стемфорд,…

Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Catechetical Commission Meets in Stamford, CT

Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Catechetical Commission Meets in Stamford, CT

November 6, 2017
Posted in: Events, News

Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Catechetical Commission Meets with U.S. Bishops and Eparchial Representatives in Stamford, CT by Very Rev. Archpriest John M. Fields Stamford, CT—The Patriarchal…

Basilan Volunteer Mission Trip To Ukrainian: 2017

Basilan Volunteer Mission Trip To Ukrainian: 2017

October 28, 2017
Posted in: Events, Mission

Come and serve with the Sisters of St. Basil in their ministry to Ukraine’s needy. This coming year’s Basilian Volunteer Program will take place from…

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

July 31, 2017
Posted in: Events, News

August 14th-18, 2017 8:30am-3:30pm

Eighty-sixth Annual Pilgrimage

Eighty-sixth Annual Pilgrimage

July 31, 2017
Posted in: Events, News